Area 11
Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems and Bio/Medical Analyses
from 9:00 on 9/29/2011, 11F Room No. 1107
"Rapid Detection of Bio-particles based on Dielectrophoretic Microfluidic Chip Combined with Optical Method"
H. C. Chang (National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan)
from 15:40 on 9/28/2011, 11F Room No. 1104
"WLAN(IEEE 802.11n)/m-WiMAX(IEEE 802.16e) 2x2 MIMO Front-End Module Using MEMS & LTCC Technology"
K. Chun (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
from 9:00 on 9/30/2011, 11F Room No. 1107
"Wet Process Innovation based on Micro/Nano Science: Controllable Anisotropy in Silicon Etching for MEMS 3D Structuring"
K. Sato (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
from 15:25 on 9/29/2011, 11F Room No. 1107
"CMOS LSI for excitation and measurement of neural activity with microelectrode array "
A. Shimada (NTT Basic Res. Labs., Japan)
Area 12
Spintronics Materials and Devices
from 16:55 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1208
"Spin Current Generation and Utilization in Metals and Insulators"
E. Saitoh (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
from 9:00 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1208
"Spin-torque induced magnetization switching and oscillation in half-metallic Co2MnSi-based CPP-GMR devices"
Y. Sakuraba (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
from 11:15 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1208
"Spin Injection and Transport in a Si Channel at Room Temperature"
T. Suzuki (Akita Research Institute of Advanced Technology, Japan)
from 10:15 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1208
"Ultrafast Magneto-Optics Study on Magnetic Semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As"
X. H. Zhang (Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Area 13
Application of Nanotubes, Nanowires, and Graphene
from 11:15 on 9/30/2011, 5F Hall 2
"Epitaxial CVD Growth of Graphene and Influence of Domain Structure on Transport Property"
H. Ago (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
from 15:25 on 9/29/2011, 5F Hall 2
"Functional Imaging of Semiconductor Nanowires"
L. J. Lauhon (Northwestern Univ, USA)
from 13:30 on 9/28/2011, 12F Room No. 1203
"Carbon Nanotube Clamped Metal Atomic Chain: Fabrication, Structure and Property"
C. Liu (Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
from 14:00 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1203
"Trends and Future of Ultrafast Transistors and Terahertz Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Using Graphene"
T. Otsuji (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
Area 14
Photovoltaics & Power Semiconductor Devices
from 13:30 on 9/28/2011, 12F Room No. 1204
"Quantum Well Solar Cells "
N. J. Ekins-Daukes (Imperial College London, UK)
from 15:40 on 9/28/2011, 12F Room No. 1204
"Materials for thin film silicon solar cells"
F. Finger (FZ Julich, Germany)
from 14:00 on 9/30/2011, 12F Room No. 1204
"Key Power Device Technologies Catering to Sustainable Growth of Power Electronics"
G. Majumdar (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan)
from 9:00 on 9/29/2011, 12F Room No. 1204
"Hetero Junction Engineering for High Efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cells"
T. Minemoto (Ritsumeikan Univ, Japan)