The SHORT COURSE / WORKSHOP will be held in conjunction with Tokai Region Nanotechnology Manufacturing Cluster.
Two courses for beginners, young researchers, young engineers, and students will be held. Plenaly Lecture on the morning will be held at Toyoda Auditorium Nagoya University Symposion. Short course (1) and Short course (2) on the afternoon will be held at "Noyori Conference Hall" and "Toyoda Auditorium Nagoya University Symposion", Nagoya University, respectivery (Access Map).
*The registration desk on the morning will be open only at the Toyoda Auditorium Nagoya University Symposion in Nagoya University.
*Registrants for short course are able to attend both courses freely.
10:00 – Plenaly Lecture ( at Toyoda Auditorium Nagoya University Symposion)
12:30 – Short course (1) and (2)
Short course (1)
Materials and Processing for Advanced CMOS -From Fundamentals to State-of-the-Art –
(at Noyori Conference Hall)
Short course (2)
Fundamentals and applications of carbon nanotube and graphene
(at Toyoda Auditorium Nagoya University Symposion)
Lab tours:
Two lab tours for participants of SHORT COURSE will be held at 16:30 in Nagoya University. If you would like to attend them, please send your name, Registration No. and No. of lab. tour you wish by E-mail to ssdm2011_lab_tour@alice.xtal.nagoya-u.ac.jp.
1. Plasma Nanotechnology Research Center (Information: “Click here”) and LED Gallery at Akasaki Institute (Information: “Click here”)
2. High Voltage Electron Microscope Laboratory, Ecotopia Science Institute
((Japanese HP))(Information: "Click here") and Nagoya University Museum Satellite Gallery 2008 Nobel Prize Exhibition Hall
*For the first 60 people each tour
Two workshops for professional researchers and engineers will be held on September 27, 13:00-17:45 at Hall 1 and Hall 2, 5F, in WINC AICHI.
"Access Map".
*You are NOT ABLE to exchange visits each session.
1) Current status and future prospective of wide gap semiconductor power devices
2) Recent Advancement in Printed Organic Electronics