The 2011 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2011) will be held from September 28 on Wednesday, through 30 on Friday at The Aichi Industry & Labor Center (WINC AICHI), Nagoya, Japan. This conference is one of the most important and prestigious international conferences held in Japan. The SSDM has provided a good opportunity to present and discuss key aspects of solid state devices and materials since it started in 1969. From 1999 conference, program sub-committees have been established to further advance the SSDM conference activity. This organizational change has led to higher quality paper selection, which results in a higher level of presentations and discussions in the various potential subject areas. The conference has tentatively 10 sub-committees in Core Areas and 4 sub-committees in Strategic Areas, which are continuously focused on pointing our future directions in solid state devices and materials research.