SSDM 2012



Area 11

Devices and Materials for Biology and Medicine

"Bio-Medical Applications of smart sensing devices"
M. Ishida (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech., Japan)

"Monolithically Integrated CMUT-on-CMOS Microsystems for Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging"
F. Levent Degertekin (Georgia Inst. of Tech., USA)

"Direct Imaging of Acid Release from Biological Specimens on a Solid State 2D Detector"
S. Terakawa (Hamamatsu Univ., Japan)

"Lobule-mimetic Reconstruction on a Liver Lab Chip"
C.H.Liu (National Tsing Hua Univ.,Taiwan)

Area 12

Spintronics Materials and Devices

"Electric field induced room temperature ferromagnetism in transition metal doped oxide semiconductor"
T. Fukumura (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

"Room temperature laser oscillation with circular polarization in spin VCSELs"
H. Kawaguchi (NAIST, Japan)

"Racetrack Memory 2.0"
S. S. P. Parkin (IBM Almaden Research Center, USA)

"Graphene, an ideal material for spintronics?"
I. J. Vera Marun (Univ. of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Area 13

Application of Nanotubes, Nanowires, and Graphene

"Growth and Characterization of Novel Ternary and Heterostructure III-V Semiconductor Nanowires"
S. Lehmann (Lund Univ., Sweden)

"Progress and challenges in large-scale graphene technology for RF applications"
S. J. Han (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)

"Carbon-nanotube-based plastic electronics"
Y. Ohno (Nagoya Univ., Japan)

"Metal Oxide Nanowires: Synthesis and Memristive Properties"
T. Yanagida (Osaka Univ., Japan)

Area 14

Power Devices and Materials

"Advanced SiC Devices With Trench Structure"
T. Nakamura (ROHM Co., Ltd., Japan)

"Polarisation Junction based Super HFETs and derivatives in GaN"
E.M. S. Narayanan (Univ. of Sheffield, UK)

"Future role of power semiconductors: From "Silicon vs. WBG" to "Silicon and WBG""
I. Omura (Kyushu Inst. of Tech., Japan)

"SiC Vertical Power JFETs for Efficient Power Switching"
K. Chatty (SemiSouth Laboratories Inc., USA)

"Progress in technologies of fabrication of single-crystal diamond wafers with inch-size area"
H. Yamada (AIST, Japan)

Area 15

Photovoltaic Materials and Devices

"Thin-film solar cells by liquid silicon"
T.Shimoda (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)

"Si/SiO2 multiple quantum wells for all-silicon tandem cells"
B. Berghoff (RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany)

"Crystal growth mechanisms of silicon during melt growth processes"
K. Fujiwara (Tohoku Univ., Japan)