Area 10

Organic Materials Science, Device Physics, and Applications
(Chair: K. Kudo, Chiba Univ.)

This field covers organic materials, device physics, characterization, and applications to organic devices. Papers are solicited in the following areas (but are not limited to these areas): (1) organic transistors and circuits;(2) organic light emitting devices; (3) organic diodes, photodetectors, and photovoltaic devices; (4) chemical sensors and gas sensors; (5) molecular electronics; (6)fabrication and characterization of organic thin films; (7)electrical and optical properties of organic thin film and materials; (8) organic-inorganic hybrid systems; and (9)interfacial phenomena, LC devices, etc.

Invited Speakers:
"Highly Efficient Carrier Injection and Transport in Organic Light Emitting Diodes"
C. Adachi (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
"Organic Single Crystal Transistors and Interface Control"
Y. Iwasa (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
"TFT Technologies for Flexible Displays"
J. Jang (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
"Development of a Printed Dielectric Layer for Organic Transistors"
T. Kamata (AIST, Japan)

Area 11

Micro/Nano Electromechanical and Bio-Systems (Devices)
(Chair: H. Tabata, Osaka Univ.)

This session focuses on micro/nano electrnomechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) and their applications, such as biosensors. Bio-M/NEMS devices and bio-sensors are widely applied to biochemical, medical, and environmental fields in which many devices are studied, such as biochips, micro-TAS, lab on a chip, etc. Interdisciplinary research of microelectronic devices with materials and technique in the chemical, biological, and medical fields is expected to open the door to new scientific and business fields. Papers are solicited in the following areas (but are not limited to these areas): (1)micro/nano electromechanical systems (M/NEMS) for RF, optical, power and biomaterial fields, and others; (2)micro-TAS and lab on a chip; (3) various biochips and sensors; (4) fabrication technologies and surface/interface modification techniques, such as SAM for micro-TAS and/or biochips; and (5) new integrated micro/nanosystems for biochemical and medical applications.

Invited Speakers:
"Digital Microfluidics by Electro Wetting Technique"
R. L. Garrell (UCLA, USA)
"New Approach to Experimental Nano Mechanics for NEMS"
Y. Isono (Ritsumeikan Univ., Japan)
"New Application of Polymeric Microfluidic Chips"
S. H. Lee (Korea Univ., Korea)
"Physical Sensors in MEMS Technology"
K. Maenaka (Univ. of Hyogo, Japan)