ssdm2004 HOME


Rump Session

The following two Rump Sessions are planned on September 16th (Thursday).

Session A

"Why Don't You Enjoy High-k Science?"
A. Toriumi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
A. Nishiyama (Toshiba, Japan)
A. Toriumi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)

High-k materials have been tackled for scaled CMOS applications. Although the recent progress is remarkable, most of the problems in the high-k gate stack technology seem to be based on the fundamental material science of high-k dielectrics. If it is the case, the technology tunings or improvements will be in vain or take us a long time to the final success. On the other hand, high-k materials have a number of interesting subjects for studying. The static and dynamic motions of atoms and electrons to the electric field in the highly ionic oxides, the interface properties at ionic/non-ionic films, or the nanometer characteristics of ionic films, are examples for research. In addition, glass science, electrochemical cell or Schottky barrier formation mechanism will also be included in the high-k research. Those items will directly or indirectly be related with CMOS applications, but we would propose two engagements in the rump session. 1) Forget about technology node of ITRS, and then 2) focus on extracting an essence of high-k materials science.
You might hopefully catch something for breaking through the technology hardships on the way to your home after the rump session. Take a short cut way to the success with material science of high-k dielectrics.

Panelist Prof. T.P. Ma (Yale Univ., USA)
Panelist Dr. R. Dgreave (IMEC, Belgium)
Panelist Prof. K. Shiraishi (Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan)
Panelist Dr. S. Saito (Hitachi, Japan)

Session B

"Challenges of Spintronics: from basic physics to nanoscale devices"
Y. Hirayama (NTT, Japan)
Y. Hirayama (NTT, Japan)
H. Munekata (Tokyo Tech, Japan)

Recent progress in spintronics is brilliant. Many interesting topics, such as new spintronics devices based on metal and semiconductor nanostructures, spin control in semiconductors and its application to optical and electrical devices, and coherent control of spin for future quantum information processing, have been developed in spintronics.
In this rump session we will discuss these fascinating aspects of spintronics including the control of nuclear spin in solid-state systems. Our intention is to highlight the present status, remaining problems and future dreams of spintronics from viewpoints of basic physics and device applications.

Panelist Dr. K. Ando (AIST, Japan)
Panelist Prof. Y. Avishai (Ben-Gurion Univ., Israel)
Panelist Dr. J. Nitta (NTT, Japan)
Panelist Prof. K. H. Ploog (Paul-Drude-Inst., Germany)
Panelist Dr. S. Tahara (NEC, Japan)
Panelist Prof. M. Tanaka (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Panelist Prof. S. Tarucha (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Panelist Prof. H. Kosaka (Tohoku Univ., Japan)