Regular Paper Abstract Submission


Both oral and poster presentations should be delivered by the first author. A presentation by a co-author can be considered only under unavoidable circumstances. In that case, please inform the secretariat ( of the situation and the final decision will be made by the program chair.



Authors of accepted papers are required to agree to the following terms and conditions.

  • Accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Extended Abstracts. The copyright of abstracts belongs to The Japan Society of Applied Physics, except the rights to:
    • retain all property rights other than copyright
    • reuse whole or a part of the abstract in other works
    • reproduce or have reproduced the abstract for the author's personal use or for his/her organization's use, provided that the copies are not offered for sale.
  • The copyright of presentation materials belongs to the authors.
  • SSDM will not be responsible or reliable if abstracts, presentation materials and recordings of presentations infringe on a third party's copyrights and other intellectual property rights.
  • SSDM may occasionally use your registered e-mail address to send information on SSDM.
  • All submissions, changes and corrections, or cancellations should be made on the electronic submission system. No submission via e-mail will be accepted.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Extended Abstracts, which will be made available at 0:00 (JST) on September 15, 2025, the first day of the conference.
  • As a rule, the first author should make the presentation. If you wish to have a co-author present your paper due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact the secretariat ( ssdm2025-abs). Please note that if a co-author makes a presentation, the paper will not be eligible for the Young Researcher Award.
  • All submitted abstracts will be subjected to plagiarism detection such as iThenticate. The abstracts will be checked for similarities.

Preparing Abstract

  • A submitted paper should consist of original and previously unpublished work, including specific results.
  • Prepare a 2-page, A4-size portrait abstract (210mm × 297mm) in English.
  • An abstract should be submitted in PDF format smaller than 10 MB. Do not encode or compress the file.
  • Abstract templates in pdf and word.docx are available from the banners on the right side of this page.
    • Write the paper title, author(s), affiliation(s), corresponding address, telephone number, e-mail address on the first page.
    • Make sure to include a brief “abstract” before the main text.
    • Two-byte characters such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. must not be used for both figures and texts.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published electronically in the Extended Abstracts as they are. All the colored artworks will be reflected as colored.

Submission Procedure

1. Log in / Create an account and enter account holder information

    From the Abstract submission page, click "Log in / Create a new account."

    Depending on the status of your account, one of the following actions is required:

    For A-Pass account holder (How to Log in)

    If you already have an A-Pass (formerly Confit account), including those who created an account for SSDM2024, you can log in with the same ID (e-mail address) and password. There is no need to create a new account. Enter your ID and password in the log in field and click “Log in”.

    For those without an account (How to create a new account)

    If you do not have an A-Pass, click “Create a new account” and enter your e-mail address and password. After clicking “Next (send authentication code)”, you will receive an auto-reply e-mail with your account registration code.

    Enter the code on the screen and click “Create account”. You can log in your new account with your ID (e-mail address) and password.

2. Submit an abstract

  • Specify the area from Scope to which the abstract should be submitted. In principle, your abstract will be reviewed in the submitted area. Depending on the content, however, your abstract might be assigned to a different area at the decision of the Program Committee.
  • Enter your submission information and upload a PDF file of your abstract.
  • If you wish to make changes, complete an unfinished abstract submission or revise the submission at a later time, you can do so until the deadline by logging into your account with the login information you created.
  • Each time you submit an abstract or change submission information, you will receive an auto-reply e-mail.

3. Receive notification of acceptance

  • Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail in the middle of July. Notification will be sent to account holders only.
  • Final placement in an oral or poster session is subject to the Chairs’ discretion.
  • Authors of accepted papers will not be automatically registered for the conference. Please be sure to make registration later. Online registration will open in June.
  • Abstracts which have been accepted and presented (both oral and poster presented papers) will be granted DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) after the conference.

For Inquiries about Abstract Submission, contact SSDM Abstract Secretariat: ssdm2025-abs