The 50th SSDM Special Symposium

Monday, September 10, 2018, 13:25-
(Yasuda Auditorium)

  • 13:25 - 13:30
    Yasuyuki Miyamoto

  • Takuo Sugano (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
    13:30 - 14:05
    “The Birth and Growth of SSDM and Exploratory Field in Electron Devices Research on the Past and the Present”
    Takuo Sugano
    (Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo)
  • Yasuharu Suematsu (Honorary Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    14:05 - 14:40
    “Progress of Photonic Devices as seen in SSDM Awards”
    Yasuharu Suematsu
    (Honorary Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Video messages from Semiconductor Device Giants
    14:40 - 15:10 Gordon E. Moore Gordon E. Moore
    (ex-chairman of Intel)
    predicted “Moore's Law”, and cofounded Intel.
    Guided by Paolo Gargini
    15:10 - 15:40 Robert H. Dennard Robert H. Dennard
    (IBM Fellow)
    invented DRAM, and formulated “Dennard Scaling”.
    Guided by James Stathis
  • --- Break ---
  • Tsutomu Miyasaka (Toin University of Yokohama)
    15:50 - 16:30
    “Perovskite solar cell, its challenges and progresses”
    Tsutomu Miyasaka
    (Toin University of Yokohama)
  • Jochen Mannhart (Max-Planck-Institute)
    16:30 - 17:10
    “Quantum Devices 3.0 for the Electronics of the Future”
    Jochen Mannhart
  • Akira Furusawa (The University of Tokyo)
    17:10 - 17:50
    “A time-domain multiplexed measurement-based large-scale optical quantum computer”
    Akira Furusawa
    (The University of Tokyo)