Regular Paper Submission
Now Open
May 20, 2016
May 23, 2016 [Extended]
May 24, 2016 [Extended]
Mid July, 2016
Important notes :
- All abstracts must be submitted electronically.
- After submitting your abstract successfully, you will receive a confirmation of the submission by e-mail.
- Once the abstract is submitted, changes, corrections or re-uploading abstract are possible until the SUMISSION DEADLINE. Any modifications requested after the deadline is not accepted.
- Selected papers will be published in the Extended Abstracts which will be disclosed on the first day of the conference, September 26th, 2016.
- Please remember that submitting an abstract does NOT automatically register you as a conference delegate. Conference registration can be done online at a later date.
1. Login and Author Information
- To begin the process, an account MUST be created.
- From the New submission page, click “Create an Account”. If you wish to return later to make changes, to complete an unfinished abstract submission or revise the submission, you should login under “Log In” with the login information you created.
- Enter the account holder information. Complete all required fields.
the account holder does NOT have to be the first/presenting author.
those who do not agree to transfer the copyright to JSAP cannot submit abstracts.
2. Submission Area
- Authors must specify the area where the paper should be presented. Papers to be presented at the conference will be selected by each subcommittee on the basis of the submission areas and the content of submitted papers.
3. Preparing your abstract
- The 2-PAGE abstract must be provided in English of A4-size.
- Please submit your abstract in PDF format; do not encode or compress the file.
- The file must be smaller than 5 MByte.
- Every abstract must begin with a brief abstract.
- The first page must include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation(s), address, telephone number, e-mail address and article text.
- The paper should consist of original and previously unpublished work, including specific results. All the colored artworks will be reflected in colored.
- Two-byte characters such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean etc. fonts CAN NOT be used for both figures and texts.
- Detailed format information is available in pdf and word.doc formats
- If you are submitting more than one abstract, please use the same email address and password for each abstract.
4. Notification and Placement information
- Final placement in an oral or poster session is subject to the Chairs' discretion.
- Notification of receipt and acceptance will be sent to the abstract submitter in the middle of July.
notification of acceptance will be sent by email to the abstract submitter ONLY.
For any inquiries concerning abstract submissions,
please contact the SSDM Abstract Secretariat: